We pride ourselves on offering a holistic approach to women's healthcare and offer services in gynaecology, obstetrics, obstetric medicine and physiotherapy.

  • Gynaecology patient


    Gynaecological issues are prevalent and can greatly affect your overall wellbeing. Our experienced doctors are adept at handling a myriad of conditions, ensuring you receive the care, education, and support required to feel empowered.
  • East Obstetrics Patient


    We understand the path to parenthood is both unique and profound. Our dedicated team is committed to guiding and supporting you from preconception to postpartum.
  • Physiotherapy

    At East, our commitment to women's well-being is embodied in our comprehensive on-site women’s physiotherapy services.
  • Surgery + Procedures

    At East, we recognise that embarking on surgery is a big step and requires planning from both a surgical and life perspective.
  • Obstetric Medicine

    Obstetric medicine plays a crucial role in the specialised care of pregnant women, particularly those with pre-existing medical conditions.